• Free/Discounted contact hours/webinars

    Special discounts on conventions

    Tuition Discounts with PNAA University Partners (i.e., Grand Canyon / Walden Universities)

    Free access to the Leadership Development Program (ILDP)

    Apply for Scholarship Awards/Research Grants (National/ Local Chapters)

  • Opportunity to network with Subject Matter Experts (SME) in your field of specialty through participation in professional activities locally, nationally, or internationally.

    Meet and greet your chapter leaders and members through online or face to face meetings (if permissible)

    Avail of Career Opportunities posted on the website.

    Give back to the community through chapter-sponsored events/outreach/medical missions.

    Promote health and be active with the Annual 5K Marathon Fundraising Event.

  • Bi-annual subscription to peer-reviewed Journal of Nursing Practice Applications and Reviews of Research (JNPARR)

    Monthly IPNAA Newsletter

    Facebook Page

  • ✅ A valuable benefit for your career enhancement and Clinical Ladder Program

    ✅ Be Nominated for Nurse Excellence Awards

    ✅ Run to serve as a National/ Chapter Leader Or Committee member