As the official professional organization of Filipino-American Nurses in Georgia, PNAGA will foster the professional and personal development of its constituent members, and promote harmonious relationship through social, civic, and educational endeavors. 


The goals of the Association shall include but not limited to:

  • Unify Filipino-American nurses in the State of Georgia.

  • Keep up with trends relevant to the professional and personal growth of its members.

  • Maintain visibility through collaboration with other professional organizations and agencies in the community.

  • Participate in programs to meet the healthcare needs of the community. 


A Bit of History

The Philippine Nurses of Georgia (PNG) began in 1987 when Frances Mesina-AbelloPrecy Mallari and Cora Tan pulled together a group of Filipino Nurses in Metro Atlanta. It stayed in its embryonic stage for 3 years.

Then in 1990, Dr. Cas Garcia, the President of the Philippine Medical Association of Georgia (PAMAG), invited all Metro Atlanta Filipino nurses to his house for a meeting. His encouragement and support led to the rebirth of the PNG. Beth Villanueva was elected President. She continues to be a driving force in the organization to this day.

The growth and development of the Association was painfully slow. Members were few and mostly mothers nurturing their own families as well as busy being nurses. The embers flickered but never really became a bonfire until 1996. That was a big year. The 1996 Summer Olypmics were here in Atlanta. The enthusiasm of the City of Atlanta regarding the coming event somehow sparked the remaining members of a dying association to be a part of the bonfire. It was an opportunity for PNG to regroup and be a part of the Filipino-American community for this big event. Venus Soriano was elected President. Since then, the organization has kept shining. For the past years, the Annual Scientific Meeting has continued to be a major success. We have more successful gatherings and a more organized volunteer force.


When Patsy Puyot, RN, heard about the Philippine Nurses Association of America (PNAA) during one of her business-related travels, she presented a motion to the Officers and Members at a Stone Mountain meeting in March, 1999 that the PNG become a part of the PNAA. After a thorough discussion, PNAA membership was unanimously approved. The May 2000 induction of new Officers was full of excitement when the guest speaker was PNAA President, Lolita Compas. We have been proud members of the nationally recognized professional nursing organization - the PNAA - ever since. 

In 2015, past presidents Pam Peterman, Lilia Hagler, Venus Soriano, Beth Villanueva and Anita Granada formed the PNAGA Foundation.  It will be the organization's fundraising partner for its vision to sustain a strong representation of Filipino nurse in Georgia.