Based on review/award criteria, each applicant achieves a minimum score of 90/100.


What YOU, as the applicant, have given/offered to the DISCIPLINE/FIELD of nursing. For example, articles, practice guidelines, and volunteer time in professional nursing roles locally or nationally.


What OTHERS have noted/acknowledged/endorsed about what YOU have given/offered to the PRACTICE /METHOD/TRADITION of nursing. For example, local or national award (s), new/renewed certification by a professional nursing organization, promotion/advancement in your nursing role.


Clinical Nurse Excellence

  • Be an active paid PNAA member and the affiliate chapter for at least one (1) year and in good standing.

  • Be a current U.S. licensed nurse practicing in the role of clinical staff nurse a minimum of two (2) years.

  • Provide evidence of significant contributions to the practice of nursing as a generalist nurse within the last two (2) years.

  • Be publicly recognized by a professional organization and/or PNAA for meritorious contributions as a generalist nurse within the last two (2) years.

  • Maintain current practice through education (formal or contact hours) pertinent to the clinical (staff) nurse role.


Nurse Manager / Administrator Excellence

  • Be an active paid PNAA member and the affiliate chapter for at least one (1) year and in good standing.

  • Be a current U. S. licensed nurse practicing in the role of nurse administrator, director, or manager for at least one (1) year.

  • Provide evidence within the last 10 years of innovative, impactful leadership in any

  • healthcare setting (i.e., acute, chronic, ambulatory, community, or long-term care) within the last five (5) years.

  • Be publicly recognized for significant contributions to nursing leadership/management and/or PNAA within the last ten (5) years.

  • Maintain current in role through education (formal or contact hours) directly related/relevant to the nurse administrator/manager role.